Human Eye For Class 10 Science

Human eye : Eye is the most important organ of human body because of the eye we are able to see the world but have you ever wonder how human eye works or how are we able to see the world or how human eye works????? if you want answers for these question you are at the right place let me give you the answer

first look at the diagram of the eye ----
                                  Image result for human eye
  •  Cornea ; It is the outer part of human eye from which light starts refracting and enters into the eye
  • Anterior chamber ; it is the aqueous humor filled between cornea and iris. it protects eye from minor damages
  • Iris ; iris is responsible for controlling the size of pupil and it has muscles that contract or expands depending on amount of light pupil needs to process the image. iris is responsible for color of the eye
  • Pupil ; pupil is the black part in center of the eye. pupil controls the amount of light should enter into eye to make sharp and clear images
  • Ciliary body or Ciliary muscles ; it is responsible for controlling(accommodation) the size of lens. when it expand lens become thinner and when it contract lens become thicker.
  • Crystalline lens ; lens is responsible for focusing image on retina. lens in human eye is convex lens(converging lens) and convex lens always form real and inverted image means image formed in our eye is always inverted 
  • Retina ; retina has photo-sensitive cells where image forms or retina is the screen for forming image, when image forms on retina it convert images into electrical signals and send it to brain 
  • Optic nerve ; optical nerve take electrical signal and take it to the brain and brain convert electrical signal into erect image



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